Best Life Hack AI tools
9 Min Read

As we move close to the year 2024 the profound impact of Artificial Intelligence continues to reshape our society changing industries business operations and technological practices, consequently the demand for specific AI skills is evolving opening up new opportunities and influencing the path of various aspects of our lives.

The future of Artificial Intelligence know as AI is a topic that Sparks a lot of interest and mixed feelings, some people thinks, that AI might become so advanced that it could potentially take control of the world which can be scary on the other hand. Many believe that AI will simply make life easier for people without causing harm. So read this article till end because we will going going to talk about Best Life Hack AI tools in details. So get ready ready to use this tools.

Best Life Hack AI tools:

1. Font Joy:

A tool that use Artificial Intelligence to enable you to combine fonts you can mix and match to create your own font pairing you can choose among its different font styles for your titles headers and body text.

All you need to do is type in or copy paste your text and choose a suitable font you can mix and match different font for each part it can automatically generate the font based on contrast and similarly.

After finding the perfect front for each part. You can look it so that it does not change the next time, you generate fonts. This tool saves you time by helping you choose the best font combination, and more over you can use this tool for free without a registration hassle.

2. Jasper:

It’s actually one of the biggest AI in today,s date, it user likes 150 Millions something, so basically this is a writing AI tools, Now why, writing is importance for designer, well a lot of time designing website or a marketing material for a client and we don’t have text yet and we know lot of designer are struggling, with writing the text. So what we have here, is they have basically frame work for everything from website section to Facebook Ads to blog post they can literally do this for you, and its really really Interesting they have Template for framework.

So for example one of the classic frame works in selling, you will see this a lot, in social media as well, its call AIDA Framework which is basically attention, interest, Desire, action they have a lot more kind a like template. But let us tell you to use this, so at first you have open Jasper and then you have to enter a prompt, explaining them here about something. This AI hep you to make content for blog, social media, website and more very fast.

3. Slide AI:

Another popular choice is beautiful AI, which is a feature packed AI presentation tool that allows you to create stunning presentations with a single click. They Offer several AI powered design elements that you can edit to match your branding and it’ll even line these up automatic, so you don’t have to spend time on a tedious task.

Also if you’d rather start from a previously created presentation, you can easily import a PowerPoint file and then use AI to improve it. If you are someone who’s tasked with creating presentations for your company or corporate freelance clients and must use PowerPoint beautiful AI is an excellent choice now, while they don’t offer a free plan they do offer a 14-day free trial, so you’ll have plenty of time to play with it and decide if its right for you and it is pricing starts at just 12$ a month.

4. Zeroscope AI:

Zeroscope V3 is a new open source text to video module that improves upon model scope’s foundation offering higher resolution and a 16 to 9 aspect ration. It is considered the direct competitor of Runway ml’s Gen 2, which is commonly thought of as one of the most renowed commercial text to video AIS as of now.

The best part you can actually try out the zeroscope E3 demo today. Zeroscope text to video model its started with the original model called scope text to video AI, which had a little bit of shutter stock logos.

People then train their own version and created zero scope version 2 which gained popularity. Now we have zeroscope version 3 on the horizon in an AI video on Reddit a user invites other to joins an exclusive test of zeroscope version 3 which appears to be quite impressive.

5. Auto Draw:

AI generated drawing tool that makes drawing accessible and enjoyable for everyone, all you need to do is make a doodle of anything you want on this platform. Its suggestion tool then tries to guess what you’re drawing and provides you with refined suggestions to make your artwork look better.

Suppose you make a doodle of a car just by guessing it will provide you with the best possible car suggestion instantly. It comes with basic drawing tools like freehand drawing text color fill and shapes along with color picker zoom and rotate tools, moreover it allows you to share your works as a PNG file and you can also share it on social media. The best part about this tool is that it offers you get all these for free.

6. Word Tune:

An AI powered chrome extension that helps you write better by offering suggestion for rewriting your text with its machine growing algorithms. Its analyzes your writing and provides alternative phrasing synonyms and sentence structure, just by doing some quick edits with this extension you can enhance the readability, clarity and conclusion of your writing in real time saving your efforts.

Its comes with a simple and easy to use interface allowing you to work across various platform including Gmail, Linkedin and Google docs. This extension comes in handy especially for those who struggle with the writer’s block grammar or finding the right words to convey their ideas. Additionally its is available in the free and premium version, while a free version offers a limitation of 10 suggestions per day, with the premium plans you can access unlimited editing and suggestions.


So, guys this Best Life Hack AI tools, we hope after reading  this article you get the good information about this tools, so go and use these AI tools to get your work easy and if you have any doubt or question to ask then you can comment us in section below, we will try to solve your problem.

So now we are going to end this article and we will right back very soon in another article, till now if you like our informative article then you can share this article to your friends. So have a good day and bye bye guys.

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